Monday, 15 June 2009

Only in New York

Page 39 of the current issue of Time Out "The Air Sex Championships"
Apparently on Friday evening, one could have attended the above, for a paltry $15, and watched "more than a dozen exhibitionists make sweet love to imaginary partners at the Highline Ballroom."
"Dustin Diaz, 28, of Brooklyn - aka 'Dirty D'
How is air sex better than the real thing? It's STD free, you don't need to buy condoms, you don't need to say goodbye.
Can air sex improve actual sex? Absolutely. You do some grinding on the webcam, and the next thing you know you have five new friend requests on Facebook."

Thank God only 17% of Americans have passports is all I can say.

1 comment:

  1. 17% are passport holders? Ye Gods thats an awful lot of airheads no touchy humping and they could all be over here and oversexed! And what may I ask are we to do with all the unwanted air babies after the good old 17% have bogged off back across the pond? Answers on a POSTCARD please to:

    Milton Angeles

    Regards and best wishes for the rest of your hols,

