Thursday, 18 June 2009

Shopping In The Rain - Tacky, Crass and Oh What Fun

I woke at my usual early hour around 6am, and before the daily thought of 'what shall we do today', could fully form, I heard the unmistakable sound of heavy rain on the window. I got up just to make sure, but there was doubting the stair rods, nor the fact they had been going at it for some time. A cup of coffee and about an hour editing photos, then I decided to go back to bed for an hour, maybe the weather would change.

I woke up 3 hours later, and the weather had changed..........and not for the better. It looked more like a late afternoon in November than mid morning in June. So not the sort of day for walking and discovering. Eventually I decided to take the shopping plunge - Macy's, the Worlds largest store. I took my passport and went to the visitors centre to get my 11% discount card, but after 20 mins of shopping I'd had enough really. The Louis Vuitton was making me nauseous, the perfumes making me sneeze, and the hoards of tourists hiding from the weather were just too much - haha.

K-Mart, Old Navy and H&M followed and I could feel my reasons for living draining away, much to my nieces amusement. However, we stumbled upon the tackiest series of gift shops - crass, cheap, nasty, bemusingly ugly items, that would not have even been welcome as a bingo prize in Blackpool after 20pints of Watney's - and yet people bought them by the bag full. Oh it was great fun. Did I buy any tacky, crass presents - wait till you see me - haha.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Madam Editor,

    It is quite obvious from the quality of your journalism that you are entirely wasted on the Croquet Gazette.

    Keep up the good work.

    Ann Admirer.
